• 💼 Software Engineer at Starling Bank
  • 👨‍💻 Technical interests: fintech, machine learning, marketplace tech
  • 🎓 Computer Science MSc - Philosophy BA
  • 🚀 What I'm really into: 🏄‍♂️🏔️🧗‍♂️⛷️🏍️

Hi, I'm Oliver 👋. I'm a software engineer that also likes the outside.

My passion for problem-solving led me to transition from studying philsophy to computer science, through which I've worked on projects in multiple programming languages including Java, Python, SQL, TypeScript, Javascript, and HTML/CSS. In between these two academic endeavours, I lived, worked, and travelled abroad, started a business, and spent time surfing and climbing whenever possible.

Now I work as a software engineer at Starling Bank. I take pride in designing efficient algorithms, and enjoy working collaboriatvely on projects. I mostly do back-end development in Java, but I also have experience in front-end development using React in JavaScript, and some infrastructure experience. Outside of work I have an interest in exploring the fascinating world of machine learning techniques.

Check out my GitHub profile to see some of my projects. Connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.